Organic Sóbate Relief Salve


Sóbate Relief Salve is made out of a mixture of plants that are designed to help soothe muscle aches & tension, bruises, sprains, strains, and cramps. Can also be used to ease insect bites and skin irritation.

Ingredients: Mint essential oil, Infused Arnica, Calendula, Rue, Rose Coconut oil and Beeswax

Hand-crafted in small batches.

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Sóbate Relief Salve is made out of a mixture of plants that are designed to help soothe muscle aches & tension, bruises, sprains, strains, and cramps. Can also be used to ease insect bites and skin irritation.

Ingredients: Mint essential oil, Infused Arnica, Calendula, Rue, Rose Coconut oil and Beeswax

Hand-crafted in small batches.

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Sóbate Relief Salve is made out of a mixture of plants that are designed to help soothe muscle aches & tension, bruises, sprains, strains, and cramps. Can also be used to ease insect bites and skin irritation.

Ingredients: Mint essential oil, Infused Arnica, Calendula, Rue, Rose Coconut oil and Beeswax

Hand-crafted in small batches.

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