Summer Solstea


A blend of cooling and nourishing herbs, this tea is a delightful choice for the warm summer months. As the temperatures rise, our bodies seek out thirst-quenching drinks. Allow this infusion to be the ice-cold, revitalizing tea that your body craves. Best enjoyed chilled, you can customize the sweetness to your liking. For a touch of sweetness, consider adding coconut sugar, date, or agave syrup to enhance the flavors. This blend is intended for everyone of all ages. Indulge with pleasure!

You will receive 2 oz (56 g) of our loose leaf herbal blend.

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A blend of cooling and nourishing herbs, this tea is a delightful choice for the warm summer months. As the temperatures rise, our bodies seek out thirst-quenching drinks. Allow this infusion to be the ice-cold, revitalizing tea that your body craves. Best enjoyed chilled, you can customize the sweetness to your liking. For a touch of sweetness, consider adding coconut sugar, date, or agave syrup to enhance the flavors. This blend is intended for everyone of all ages. Indulge with pleasure!

You will receive 2 oz (56 g) of our loose leaf herbal blend.

A blend of cooling and nourishing herbs, this tea is a delightful choice for the warm summer months. As the temperatures rise, our bodies seek out thirst-quenching drinks. Allow this infusion to be the ice-cold, revitalizing tea that your body craves. Best enjoyed chilled, you can customize the sweetness to your liking. For a touch of sweetness, consider adding coconut sugar, date, or agave syrup to enhance the flavors. This blend is intended for everyone of all ages. Indulge with pleasure!

You will receive 2 oz (56 g) of our loose leaf herbal blend.

Summer Solstea Recommended Preparations:

(Fastest Modality):

Use 1 part herbs to 4 parts water

         1. Bring water to a boil

         2. Pour loose leaf herb into boiling water. Bring water to a low simmer for 5 minutes. Herbs can be in a strainer, french press, or cloth bag.

         3. Turn off heat.

4. Let sit for 10-15 minutes. Strain, Let cool down, Add Ice & Enjoy!

Hot or Cold Infusion:

Use 1 tbsp of herbs for every cup. Use 32 oz/64 oz mason jar.

  1. For Hot Infusion: Bring water to a hot temperature. For Cold Infusion: Add room temperature water.

          2. Put herbs into jar and pour water (If making Hot infusion make sure glass can tolerate heat) Close jar with lid.

          3. For Hot Infusion: Let sit for 4-6 hours. For Cold infusion: Let sit for 8 hours.

          4. Strain, Let cool down, Add Ice & Enjoy!

What do I do with my strained herbs? Herbs can be prepared up to 2 times before discarding them into compost or directly into the soil. 

All forms of preparation have a shelf life of 3-4 days in the fridge.Ingredients: *Lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus), *Roselle Hibiscus (Hibiscus sabdariffa),*Lemon Balm (Melissa officinalis L), *Red Raspberry (Rubus idaeus), *Marshmallow Root (Althaea officinalis)

Contraindications & Warnings: Avoid if taking high doses high blood pressure medication. Discuss use of herbal products with health care professional.

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