𝐿𝒶 𝐹𝓇𝓊𝓉𝒶 𝑒𝓈 𝒮𝒶𝓁𝓊𝒹 𝓎 𝒱𝒾𝒹𝒶

  • Atis Sugar Apple

    When is the fruit ready to eat? It is typically ready to eat when it becomes soft to the touch, signaling that it has reached the optimal ripeness.

    Shelf Life: Once the fruit is fully ripened, it is best to consume it within 24 to 36 hours for the best flavor and texture. Additionally, the fruit may be stored in the fridge to prolong its stability and freshness.

    How to Eat: You can enjoy the fruit by pulling it apart with your hands or cutting it into four equal pieces with a knife. Please remember not to eat the skin, as it may not be enjoyable.

    Can I plant the seeds? Yes, the seeds are viable. After savoring the sweet pulp around the seed, you can plant the seed about 2 inches directly into the soil for future growth.

  • Mangosteen

    When is the fruit ready to eat? The fruit is ready to eat as soon as it arrives at your doorstep.

    Shelf Life: We recommend eating the fruit within 24 hours of opening the packaging to ensure maximum freshness and flavor. However, it can be stored in the refrigerator for a slightly prolonged shelf life if you wish to keep it for a little longer.

    How to Eat/Use: To enjoy the fruit, simply cut it open down the middle and pull apart the halves to access the delicious fruit inside. The commonly eaten part of the fruit is the soft and creamy white flesh, which is rich in nutrients. The seed and rind are also edible, either raw or processed for their potential medicinal value.

    Can I plant the seeds? Yes, the seeds are viable and can be planted to grow new plants!

  • Red Atemoya

    When is the fruit ready to eat? It is typically ready to eat when it becomes pleasantly soft to the touch, indicating ripeness.

    Shelf Life: Once the fruit is fully ripened, it is best to consume it within 24 to 36 hours for optimal flavor and freshness. If you wish to extend its longevity, the fruit may be stored in the refrigerator, which can help prolong its stability.

    How to Eat: You can easily pull apart the fruit using your hands or, alternatively, cut it into four pieces with a knife for easier consumption. Be sure to avoid eating the skin, as it is not edible.

    Can I plant the seed? Yes, the seeds are viable for planting. After enjoying the delicious pulp surrounding the seed, you can plant the seed about 2 inches directly into the soil for potential growth.

  • Abiu Yellow Star Apple

    When is the fruit ready to eat? It is considered ready to enjoy when it arrives at its peak ripeness.

    Shelf Life: Once the fruit is fully ripened, it is best to eat it within 24 to 36 hours for optimal freshness and flavor. The fruit can also be stored in the fridge to prolong its stability and preserve its delightful taste.

    How to Eat: You can bite the tip off and suck out the sweet, luscious juices or cut the fruit in half and scoop out the delicious insides with a spoon.

    Can I plant the seed? Yes, the seeds are indeed viable and can be planted to cultivate new plants.

  • Red Custard Apple

    When is the fruit ready to eat? It is typically ready to consume when it becomes soft to the touch, indicating that it has reached its optimal ripeness.

    Shelf Life: Once the fruit has ripened, it is best to enjoy it within a window of 24 to 36 hours for the best flavor and texture. If you wish to prolong its stability, fruit can be carefully stored in the refrigerator.

    How to Eat: You can either pull it apart using your hands or use a knife to cut it into four manageable pieces. Please note that the skin should not be eaten as it may not be palatable.

    Can I plant the seed? Yes, the seeds are viable and can be planted. After enjoying the pulp around the seed, you should plant the seed about 2 inches deep directly into the soil for the best chance of germination.

  • Maprang Mango Plum

    When is the fruit ready to eat? The fruit is ready to eat when it has arrived and reached its perfect ripeness.

    Shelf Life: The fruit has a shelf life of approximately 5 to 7 days. For optimal freshness, store it on a countertop or in the refrigerator.

    How to Eat/Use: You can enjoy the fruit by taking a bite into it, savoring both the skin and the pulp that surrounds the seed. Afterward, you may want to suck on the seed for additional flavor, but please avoid eating the seed itself.

    Can I plant the seed? Yes, the seeds are viable. After you've enjoyed the delicious pulp surrounding the seed, you can plant the seed directly into moist soil at a depth of 2 to 3 inches.

  • White Sapote

    When is the fruit ready to eat? The fruit will be ready to eat when it feels soft to the touch, much like an avocado does when it is ripe. It is advisable to allow it to soften on the countertop until it achieves the perfect texture.

    Shelf Life: It is best to eat the fruit immediately once it has fully ripened for optimal flavor and freshness.

    How to Eat: You can enjoy the fruit by either cutting it with a knife or simply biting directly into it. As you do so, you will discover a large white seed located in the center. Please remember to avoid eating the seed as it is not meant for consumption.

    Can I plant the seed? Yes, the seeds are viable for planting. To do this, carefully break open the white shell and plant the seed that is found inside. This planting process is quite similar to that of a mango seed and can yield rewarding results.

  • Pink Lisa Atemoya

    When is the fruit ready to eat? It is typically ready to eat when it becomes soft to the gentle touch of your fingers.

    Shelf Life: Once the fruit is fully ripened, it is best to consume it within 24 to 36 hours for optimal freshness. The fruit may be stored in the refrigerator to help prolong its stability and prevent it from spoiling too quickly.

    How to Eat/Use: You can pull apart the fruit with your hands for a more rustic approach, or you can choose to cut it into four manageable pieces using a sharp knife. Please remember to avoid eating the skin, as it is not meant for consumption.

    Can I plant the seed? Yes, the seeds are indeed viable. After enjoying the delicious pulp around the seed, you can plant the seed about 2 inches directly into nutrient-rich soil for the best chance of growth.

  • Cacao Fruit Pod

    When is the fruit ready to eat? The fruit is ready to eat as soon as it arrives at your location.

    Shelf Life: To ensure the best taste and quality, it’s recommended to eat the pod within 24 hours of opening it.

    How to Eat: To enjoy the fruit, simply cut the pod open in half and gently pull it apart to access the delicious fruit inside. You should savor the white flesh that surrounds the seed, as it is both sweet and enjoyable. The seed itself is also edible and can be eaten raw or processed in various ways. Additionally, if you are adventurous, you can even make chocolate from the fruit seeds.

    Can I plant the seed? Yes, the seeds are viable and can indeed be planted to grow new plants!

  • Annona Atemoya

    When is the fruit ready to eat? It is ready to enjoy when it becomes soft to the gentle touch of your fingertips.

    Shelf Life: Once the fruit is fully ripened, it is best to eat within a timeframe of 24 to 36 hours for optimal freshness. The fruit may be stored in the refrigerator to prolong its stability for a little longer.

    How to Eat: You can pull apart the fruit with your hands for a delightful experience, or alternatively, cut it into four even pieces using a knife. Please remember to avoid eating the skin.

    Can I plant the seed? Yes, the seeds are indeed viable. After enjoying the tasty pulp surrounding the seed, you can plant it by burying it about 2 inches directly into the soil for future growth.

  • Blood Orange

    When is the fruit ready to eat? Fruit is typically ready to eat when it has reached its peak ripeness and arrives at your location.

    Shelf Life: Consume the fruit within a couple of hours of opening to enjoy its best taste and texture. It can also be stored in the refrigerator to help prolong its shelf life for a few days.

    How to Eat: You can enjoy the fruit by cutting it in half or into quarters using a knife. Alternatively, you can peel it open with your hands for a more casual and enjoyable experience. The fruit also makes a delicious juice that can be enjoyed as a refreshing beverage.

    Can I plant the seeds? Yes! The seeds are indeed viable and can be planted to grow your own fruit plants.

  • Carao Fruit Pod

    When is the fruit ready to eat? The fruit is considered ready to eat once it arrives at your location.

    Shelf Life: It is recommended to eat or use the fruit within one week, as it may begin to rot and lose its freshness after this time period.

    How to Eat: You can enjoy the delicious dark brown pulp that surrounds the seeds. This pulp can also be transformed into various syrups, juices, and other culinary delights to preserve its delightful flavor, much like Tamarindo.

    Can I plant the seed? Yes, the seeds are viable for planting. After you have enjoyed the pulp surrounding the seed, you can plant the seed about 2 inches deep directly into the soil for future growth.

  • Cherimoya

    When is the fruit ready to eat? It is considered ready to enjoy when it becomes soft to the touch, indicating that it has reached its peak ripeness.

    Shelf Life: Once the fruit is nicely ripened, it is best to consume it within 24 to 36 hours for optimal flavor and freshness. The fruit may be stored in the refrigerator to prolong its stability and delay the spoiling process.

    How to Eat: You can easily pull apart the fruit using your hands, or, for a more precise approach, cut it into four pieces with a knife. Please remember to avoid eating the skin, as it is not palatable.

    Can I plant the seed? Yes, the seeds are indeed viable for planting. After enjoying the delicious pulp surrounding the seed, you can plant the seed about 2 inches deep directly into the soil for propagation.

  • Canistel Eggfruit

    When is the fruit ready to eat? The fruit will be ready to enjoy when it is soft to the touch, resembling the texture of a perfectly ripe avocado. It is advisable to allow the fruit to soften on your countertop for optimal flavor and consistency.

    Shelf Life: The fruit will typically last about approximately 5 days once it has ripened.

    How to Eat: To eat the fruit, you can either cut it open with a knife or simply use your hands to pull it apart. Inside, you will discover a large brown seed nestled in the middle.

    Can I plant the seed? Yes, the seeds are indeed viable. To plant, carefully break open the brown shell and then place the seed inside the soil. This process is quite similar to that of planting a mango seed.

  • Jabuticaba

    When is the fruit ready to eat? The fruit is considered ready to eat when it arrives at your location.

    Shelf Life: For optimal freshness and flavor, it is best to consume fruits within 3 to 5 days of their arrival. Additionally, to help prolong their shelf life, fruits can be stored in the refrigerator.

    How to Eat: Before consumption, be sure to wash the fruit properly. For the best taste experience, it is recommended to pop whole fruit directly into your mouth. Interestingly, both the skin and seeds of the fruit are edible and contribute to the overall enjoyment.

    Can I plant the seeds? Yes, indeed! The seeds are viable for planting. However, it is important not to eat the seeds if you have the intention of planting them.

  • Monstera Fruit Pod

    When is the fruit ready to eat? We recommend placing the fruit in a jar or glass with the tip facing down. It is important to monitor the fruit closely, and once the segments begin to naturally fall off, you can allow it to ripen on a counter away from direct sunlight. As the fruit continues to ripen, it will become soft, indicating that it is indeed ready to eat in segments.

    Shelf Life: The best practice is to consume the parts of the fruit that open up within 24 hours for optimal freshness and flavor.

    How to Eat: Once the fruit is fully ripened, you will notice that parts of it will begin to open and fall off on their own. At this point, you can enjoy the creamy white or yellowish pulp that lies on the scales.

    CAUTION: Please be aware that if the fruit is consumed before it has ripened fully, it may lead to severe irritation in the throat, so ensure it’s adequately ripened before enjoying.

  • Passionfruit

    When is the fruit ready to eat? The fruit can be enjoyed when the outer shell becomes soft and wrinkly to the touch, indicating ripeness.

    Shelf Life: The fruit has a shelf life of approximately 1 week and can be conveniently stored in the refrigerator to maintain its freshness.

    How to Eat: You can easily cut the shell in half with a knife or alternatively, bite a hole into the shell and squeeze it gently to drink the tasty pulp and seeds within. The seeds are not only edible but also possess medicinal properties, making them a delightful addition to your diet! Enjoy them!

    Can I plant the seed? Yes, the seeds are viable and can be planted approximately 2 inches deep into moist soil for optimal growth.

  • Ice Cream Bean Fruit Pod

    When is the fruit ready to eat? The fruit will be ready to eat as soon as it arrives at your location, offering you the freshest taste possible.

    Shelf Life: Approximately 2 weeks. It can be conveniently stored in the refrigerator to maintain its freshness and flavor.

    How to Eat: Simply grab the fruit and gently twist it with your hands. The fruit will easily rip open, revealing the delicate white cotton-like pods inside, which are delicious and ready for consumption. However, be careful not to eat the black seeds, as they are not meant for consumption!

    Can I plant the seed? Yes, the seeds are viable and should ideally be planted immediately if you wish to cultivate this beautiful fruit tree in your garden, allowing you to enjoy fresh fruit in the future.

  • Wild Tamarind

    When is the fruit ready to eat? It is considered ready for consumption when it arrives in your hands, showcasing its vibrant appearance.

    Shelf Life: 1 month. For optimal freshness, store it on your tabletop or in the refrigerator for better preservation.

    How to Eat: Carefully crack open the shell using your hands or teeth, taking care not to consume the shell itself. Instead, you should suck on the soft, flavorful pulp and spit out the seed, which should not be eaten.

    Can I plant the seed? Yes, the seeds are viable and can be used for propagation. After enjoying the pulp that surrounds the seed, you can plant the seed two inches directly into the soil for future growth.

  • Granadilla

    When is the fruit ready to eat? The fruit is considered ready to eat when its outer shell is entirely yellow or orange in color. Typically, the fruit will likely be at its peak ripeness by the time it arrives at your location.

    Shelf Life: It is best to consume the fruit within 24 hours of opening for optimal freshness and flavor. Once ripe, the fruit can be stored in the refrigerator to help maintain its quality.

    How to Eat: The outer shell of the fruit is very fragile, so exercise caution when handling it. Gently crack the outer shell open using your hands, and then carefully pull apart the white pith to reveal the delicious translucent pulp containing the seeds.

    Can I plant the seeds? Yes, the seeds are indeed viable and can be planted if you wish to grow your own fruit.

  • Chico Sapodilla

    When is the fruit ready to eat? The fruit will be ready to eat when it feels soft to the touch, much like an avocado does when it is ripe. It is advisable to allow it to soften on the countertop until it achieves the perfect texture.

    Shelf Life: It is best to eat the fruit immediately once it has fully ripened for optimal flavor and freshness.

    How to Eat: You can enjoy the fruit by either cutting it with a knife or simply biting directly into it. As you do so, you will discover a large white seed located in the center. Please remember to avoid eating the seed as it is not meant for consumption.

    Can I plant the seed? Yes, the seeds are viable for planting.